Encoders/ cue playback master/ not working on ion xe 20 console

For the last month the encoders on the board have been nonfunctional and unresponsive to any touch, as well as the the 2 cue master and go button on the board haven't been working, as well as the button set located near the cue master that contains buttons such as switch fader page haven't been working either. And now all of a sudden the boards not outputting anything and we dont gavw control of any of our lights. Really need some help hear, we have a show starting on the 30th

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  • This problem is likely a hardware related problem, so it would require opening up the console. Likely just a cable became displaced. But before you do that in the shell you can run a hardware button test, where it will confirm if the software is properly receiving the button press.

    But as stated above, contacting support is preferred. A few things to note (1) there are other country phone number if you're not in the USA; (2) you can contact them via email; and (3) it doesn't matter how old your console is, or what your role is (ie you don't have to be in charge, and there is no cost). 

