Slightly random colour range over a series of multi cell fixtures

Is there a simple way to set the cells of a range of channels to semi-randomly selected colours  chosen from within a range (for example a range of pinks for dawn)? Semi-random here means chosen at programming time, not different each show!  I wish to avoid an absolutely uniform colour because the discrepancies between fixtures and the imperfections in the whiteness of the set simply show up.  I can obviously do this manually by slightly varying the hue on each cell but seems 

Parents Reply
  • I've been trying various forms of this and can get it working with intensity, but when I try and select Hue; I find My command line looks lik ethis just after I select Hue:

    Channel 1 thru 12 cells only offset random color Error: Parameter already specified

    I may be selecting Hue the wrong way; I am selecting color to bring up the colour controls and then Hue. Is there something obvious I am doing wrong?
