Slightly random colour range over a series of multi cell fixtures

Is there a simple way to set the cells of a range of channels to semi-randomly selected colours  chosen from within a range (for example a range of pinks for dawn)? Semi-random here means chosen at programming time, not different each show!  I wish to avoid an absolutely uniform colour because the discrepancies between fixtures and the imperfections in the whiteness of the set simply show up.  I can obviously do this manually by slightly varying the hue on each cell but seems 

Parents Reply
  • the error happens because you're trying to select both the whole color category plus the Hue parameter within the color category. "Channel 1 thru 12 cells only offset random Hue" will do what you want. you can get Hue either by clicking the Hue button in ML Controls (above the Hue encoder), or by pressing a hardware encoder that's currently mapped to Hue, or by clicking the Hue parameter tile in the CIA.
