I wasn't able to make it to USITT for details, when can we expect to see the iRFR appear on the app store? I assume not until 1.5 is released? Will the wireless network be provided by WAPs, similar to the PDA remotes for Emphasis?

Can't wait till I can just walk into the space and do pre-show checks from my phone without leaving the stage...


Parents Reply
  • OMG! Only $49 for a wireless remote for my lighting system, form my iPod/iPhone!! That is freaking amazing. I mean I remember what I payed for the wireless remote for the O2, that thing that I needed the Compaque pocket PC form.

    I am supre excited about this. Now I just cannot wait for client software on my Mac. Thanks for being up to speed on technology and giving us the tools to better do our jobs ETC.

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