I wasn't able to make it to USITT for details, when can we expect to see the iRFR appear on the app store? I assume not until 1.5 is released? Will the wireless network be provided by WAPs, similar to the PDA remotes for Emphasis?

Can't wait till I can just walk into the space and do pre-show checks from my phone without leaving the stage...


Parents Reply
  • $49! With respect I know the proceeds are going to a charity but I don't class $49 as a 'nominal charge' I was expecting $10 or $15 but never guessed you might be asking $49. Currently only 2% of apps are priced at $20 or more... do you not think you might raise more for charity with more downloads at a lower price point? I for one doubt I'll be able to afford it.

    Sorry for the rant guys ... just s little disappointed



  • OMG! Only $49 for a wireless remote for my lighting system, form my iPod/iPhone!! That is freaking amazing. I mean I remember what I payed for the wireless remote for the O2, that thing that I needed the Compaque pocket PC form.

    I am supre excited about this. Now I just cannot wait for client software on my Mac. Thanks for being up to speed on technology and giving us the tools to better do our jobs ETC.

  • With all due respect, if you can afford an iPhone/iPod Touch (I have the latter) and need a remote for your board that would normally cost a lot more than that, $50 to a charitable cause is not going to slow you down.  The only thing the price would hamper is everyone at your venue downloading and playing with it, and that may turn out to be a good thing! 

  • usesafesets and lidgett I do agree with your comments  if you are comparing it to a dedicated remote then its obviously a bargain, (when we bought the Radio Remote Focus Unit for our Express a few years ago it cost us £800!) ... but for users who already have a remote as part of their setup then the price may be a little high. Is an iPhone/iTouch (I have an iPhone) really going to be a replacement for dedicated remote Focus Unit and will it offer the same level of reliability? I know that I wouldn't want to use my iPhone day in day out as a focus unit for many reasons: battery life, risk of damage, wear and tear to mention a few and although many users will be freelancers and may find this app invaluable as a business tool and therefore business expense, I know that most interested people will be venue technicians who's employers won't fork out for apps for their technician's phones, even if they don't already have a remote. Also surely if everyone at the venue did download the app at a slightly lower price then more money would be raised for charity anyway and the more people downloading the app the better feedback ETC will get on the usability.

  • Is there any word on non-US pricing (specifically UK for me, but others as well), I'm not sure how Apple do this, if you have to set country specific pricing, or it's done by exchange rate?

    Anyway, US pricing looks encouraging from our point of view! I suspect it will encourage multiple purchases amongst our staff just to have it with them, and we've almost all got iPhones!

  • Richard, it is 49BPS/49EU.  

    hope that helps.



  • Will this be made available for Canadian I tunes sales, I see in my Itunes store terms of agreement it's for CDN sales only?





  • What has happened to the iRFR? I thought it was going to be available in April... there's been no word on it for over a month anyone know what's going on?

  • grobermatic said:

    there's been no word on it for over a month anyone know what's going on?


    I'll point you in the direction of another thread over in the Congo forum that has had more recent activity than this one.

    But to save you the click through... the short version is that it will be released when Eos/Ion version 1.5 is ready.


    [edited by: travisres at 9:11 PM (GMT -6) on Fri, May 29 2009] Made the URL a link
  • The most recent info is a blog post from David Lincecum:
