Error : Channel List is Empty

Hello there, 

Probs a simple mistake and answer here... 

I'm making my way with the training and all good. 

Currently have a play around with capture and I've ran into this error on Nomad, but was fine when I was doing the training chapter of palettes ... 

Everything is patched and channelled etc fine. 

Groups are created have channels in them. 

I got to create a focus look I which to create a palette with ... 

group 3 record focus palette 50 label up 

Then i go to recall this 

clear sneak 

group 3 focus palette 50 enter 

Then I get an Error : Channel List is Empty

Many thanks in advance 

Parents Reply
  • you have no data in your focus palette, as Wuz mentioned. the reason seems to be that you have active filters that prevent the Record command from working the way you want. you can see that there are filters by the red text in the Form and Image parameter category buttons.

    expand the CIA, click the Filter button, then click the Clear Filter button, and then start the whole thing by re-recording the focus palette again.
