The visualizer available from the ETC website isn't working using 2 computers.

I've downloaded the Mind_The_Gap_Viz_PC_RevA_2019-08-01.exe visualizer file from the ETC website.


I'm running the visualizer on my laptop. It's hooked up to a switch, and the switch is hooked up to my desktop computer, which is running Nomad.

Both computers are running Windows 10.

Both computers have the firewall turned off.


The desktop is in Primary mode. I know it's sending SACN because on the laptop I can view the SACN levels using SACNView.


I called tech support but they couldn't fix it.


The visualizer works fine when I run Eos on the laptop, but I only have one monitor for the laptop and I would prefer to be able to run Eos on the desktop and the visualizer on the laptop.

  • Hi John,

    I had a similar problem with the Capture file for Mind The Gap.  I found a setting in the buried in the file which told my laptop which NIC to use when I had both my wired and WiFi in operation.  I had my wired in a 10.101.XXX.XXX connected to a switch.  The WiFi was in the 192.168.XXX.XXX.

    The other thing to try is turning off the WiFi on the laptop when you start the Capture file to see if it autoselects the wired connection.

    If you can't find the setting, let me know, and I will try to recreate how I found it.

    Good luck,


  • Hello JP,

    I would be interested in knowing where you found these settings. I have been experiencing the sometimes working sometimes not Mind the Gap program with my system. The only thing I have found which sometimes works is to start the computer before I start the ETC console, but this does not work half of the time.

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