Bug: Backup Show Archive


we are using Eos 2.9.1 Build 17

I'm trying to backup our show archive with the menu in the shell.

Only shows with the extension .esf are in the backup. The .esf2 shows are missing completly!

What do i wrong?


  • Hello, Dirk.  We are still working on this, so at this time you cannot use the backup feature to pull .esf2, but will be able to in future versions.

  • Hello, this still seems to still be the case with backing up and restoring on version 3.2.8. I just exported all my showfiles to reorganize the folder structue. On the restore I only wanted to obring back the latest files. It seems that only .esf files restored using restore latest. What is the point of having backup/restore latest if it doesn't work for the newer file types (.esf2 and .esf3d), especially since these file types have been out for years.

  • Thank you for reaching out. Out notes show that this was solved in 2.9.2 and 3.0 and a quick test seems to suggest that esf, esf2 and esf3d get backed up as well as restored.

    Would you mind checking again while making sure that the latest version of a file is indeed esf2 rather than esf? Also, was this on Nomad (Mac or PC?) or a console?

  • Hello,

    I'm not sure when I will have time to try a Restore Latest again, but I did do a Backup Latest and folders and files are missing. Initially I thought it only seemed to bring back .esf, but in looking at it again and some old screen shots I took, it does look like the newer file types are backed up/restored, just not every latest one.

     Below are screen shots showing the Full Show Archive on the hard drive and then what folders were backed up using Back up Latest. Note that folders are missing in the show archive compared to the USB Stick. Also, when I backed up latest, the total files backed up was about 70. I have more than 70 different shows stored on the console.

    My initial process: On my ION Classic (Eos 3.2.8) I exported all files to a USB Stick (3000+ show files, about  2.5GB), I  then reorganized the files and folder names on a macbook, and then tried to do Restore Latest. That is when I noticed a bunch of show files missing.



    Show Archive on the left, USB with Latest Backed Up on the right. It looks like 5 main folders are missing and one showfile not in a folder is missing.

    In this screen shot, on the left is 9 dance folders in my "Hartt Dance" Main folder. On the right is the latest backed up that only backed up 3 folders.

  • Hello,

    I did write a post with additional information and screen shots showing missing folders/files. Is there any additional insight on why the latest of every file is not backed up? Thank you.

  • I did some research and can maybe explain what's happening, but it depends on the filename of the showfiles in the missing folders.

    • File extensions doesn't matter.
    • Latest is determined from time stamp in file name, not file save date according to operating system
    • Folders aren't being evaluated separately
    • When determining if multiple showfiles are from the same production, only the first word of the showname is considered


    ShowArchive\test 2024-09-12 01-23-45.esf3d
    ShowArchive\test 2024-09-12 00-23-45.esf2
    ShowArchive\hello\test hamlet 2024-09-12 02-23-45.esf
    ShowArchive\world\test 2024-09-12 00-00-45.esf

    Latest: ShowArchive\hello\test 2024-09-12 02-23-45.esf

    In this case you'd see a folder hello being created, but world would be missing.

    I don't know how the showfiles in your missing folder are labelled, but seeing that the folders have similar names the showfiles might be too similar as well.

    I have already started a discussion with the team about this and will advise here when I know more.

  • I just noticed when doing testing that this logic doesn't exactly follow properly for backing up latest -- I had three different shows in the ShowArchive with different first words (but they were save-as copies of the same show). Backup latest only backed up one of the show files in the middle.

    Weekend A -- EOS & Windows rate ranges of 2024-08-23 thru -09-13

    Special Event B - date ranges of 2024-08-21 thru 09-12

    Weekend C -- single file date of 2024-08-30

    But the only one backed up for LASTEST is the Weekend A - Test 

    My expectation based on your description above is that Special and Weekend should both be backed up, and Weekend C would be skipped since only the first word is evaluated. 

  • I just noticed when doing testing that this logic doesn't exactly follow properly for backing up latest -- I had three different shows in the ShowArchive with different first words (but they were save-as copies of the same show). Backup latest only backed up one of the show files in the middle.

    Weekend A -- EOS & Windows rate ranges of 2024-08-23 thru -09-13

    Special Event B - date ranges of 2024-08-21 thru 09-12

    Weekend C -- single file date of 2024-08-30

    But the only one backed up for LASTEST is the Weekend A - Test 

    My expectation based on your description above is that Special and Weekend should both be backed up, and Weekend C would be skipped since only the first word is evaluated. 

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