Hello, I am new to lighting. And when I say new I mean I have never touched a light board before. Please explain to me how to make light go from green to red and all the other basics for ETCnomad.

I am very new to lighting and my school is about to order an etc educational pack that includes etc nomad and the gadget II and whatnot. What do I do? I watched a video and I am mega confused. They started talking on light talk and I don't know what they were saying. What is a show document/file? Do I need to download eos, cobalt, or hog 4 PC for it to run, or are they optional? Please help. 

  • I would recommend that you go to the dealer that your are purchasing this from (hopefully they are a theatrical dealer, I would assume they are) and have them include a couple of hours of one on one training. If you have absolutely zero experience with lighting then you are going to need some instruction on the basic concepts of stage lighting to get you to a place where you understand what you are doing with the console. At least that is my opinion.

  • ETC is selling the pack and well I tried watching their videos and I understood nothing.

  • ETC sells it, but they don't sell direct to consumers. You have to go through a dealer, usually a local theatrical supplier or event company. In the event that I am wrong about who is specifically selling it to you (it happens, I am a person), then I recommend finding a local theatrical supplier or event company who offers ETC console training and inquire about getting one on one in person training. Where are you located?

  • ETC sells it, but they don't sell direct to consumers. You have to go through a dealer, usually a local theatrical supplier or event company. In the event that I am wrong about who is specifically selling it to you (it happens, I am a person), then I recommend finding a local theatrical supplier or event company who offers ETC console training and inquire about getting one on one in person training. Where are you located?
