Hello, I am new to lighting. And when I say new I mean I have never touched a light board before. Please explain to me how to make light go from green to red and all the other basics for ETCnomad.

I am very new to lighting and my school is about to order an etc educational pack that includes etc nomad and the gadget II and whatnot. What do I do? I watched a video and I am mega confused. They started talking on light talk and I don't know what they were saying. What is a show document/file? Do I need to download eos, cobalt, or hog 4 PC for it to run, or are they optional? Please help. 

  • If it were me, and I have been through this process, I would here and in 'Control Booth' ask if there was a theatre, school whatever near you that was running EOS. And ask if perhaps ,a knowledgeable person could visit you. I never touched a light board and found I had to do many hours of reading and ask about a million (sometimes embarrassingly simple) questions which burned holes in this forum and tested a lot of good folks  patience. For an utter, complete novice there really is nothing like a friendly guy over your left shoulder. And, I would strongly recommend you download the EOS software and run it at home. That alone has saved me about a million hours at the theater.

    Having said that, these folks are here and always ready to field questions so don't be shy. Best of luck your starting a great journey.  

  • If it were me, and I have been through this process, I would here and in 'Control Booth' ask if there was a theatre, school whatever near you that was running EOS. And ask if perhaps ,a knowledgeable person could visit you. I never touched a light board and found I had to do many hours of reading and ask about a million (sometimes embarrassingly simple) questions which burned holes in this forum and tested a lot of good folks  patience. For an utter, complete novice there really is nothing like a friendly guy over your left shoulder. And, I would strongly recommend you download the EOS software and run it at home. That alone has saved me about a million hours at the theater.

    Having said that, these folks are here and always ready to field questions so don't be shy. Best of luck your starting a great journey.  

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