Mac Running High Sierra Nomad Unable to Find Master Console in Eos 3.0.0

I know there are other similar forums on this topic, but I have not seen a recent one that addresses this specific issue.

I have an Ion XE and my Nomad on a Mac running High Sierra (won't upgrade any higher).

Prior to installing Eos 3.0.0 software (on both devices) I was able to find and connect with my Nomad as a Client, Backup, etc without a problem. Now, after the upgrade, my Mac won't even find the console (no Master is even listed when clicking the Troubleshoot button after trying to connect). I have made sure that my Mac's network setting are identical to what they were when I was able to connect in Client mode; i.e. Using DHCP, same IP, Subnet and DNS settings.

I do think that in my trying to fix the problem, I reset my Ion Port 2 (where I connect to the board via ethernet ports, not a switch). I have Obtain IP Automatically unchecked, then the recommended IP, Subnet Mask filled in to the spaces underneath, and Port 2 shows as being online. I also have the DHCP server checked with the same starting IP In the time between now and when I was able to connect, I did use the Mac as a Master console for an outdoor production. I don't know if that may have caused an issue. I really should have written down the settings. This all started when trying to connect to a switch and not being successful, which is why I changed my initial settings.

Any advice on settings that I should look at? IPs? Is it a Mac or Eos software issue? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Both devices are on the same Software, Build and Fixture Library versions.

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