Can someone explain how mark timing works?

If I have channels in Q2 marked in Q1 and set their Delay to 20 seconds in Q2 - why does the duration of Q1 change and can this be altered?

Mark time in setup doesn't change a thing.


Parents Reply
  • What I’m trying to figure out is, what can I do instead to get rid of a channel marking itself in 10 minutes? It seems like it is not possible to use 10min discrete timing in the referenced cue if you need a quicker mark. Would a part cue suffice or do I need a seperate cue for those channels? 

    and, will a channel’s NP’s discrete delay/time always match its mark delay/time? Or is there an elegant way to set A: An actual delay/time and B: A specific Mark delay/time? How do you go about working with these timings?
