Serious Lag times in Multiconsole


I am having serious Lag times between both between Live / Blind, but especially Patch --> Live after changing patch.  These times vary but are usually between 20-45 seconds, sometimes up to a minute.

I also have lag problems on my non-primary consoles after booting up but before first save. This lag is between the key presses and any actions, ie. changing values or applying snapshots. Usually about 10-20 seconds lag.

I'm running two Ion XE as Master and Backup, with an unlocked Nomad rig as Client.

I've checked and triple checked all my switches and nodes and network settings, deep cleared and thinned out my showfile, to no avail. Any help would be appreciated.



Parents Reply
  • Anna-Lenna,

    From the logs and reproducing it here at ETC, we see the hangs (lags) occurring after leaving Patch the first time after each restart of Eos.  This matching an existing known issue [EOS-51663].

    A few things to limit this:

    • As you mentioned Deep Clearing all machines will help get you to a clean state. 
    • Enter Patch early in your day, then exit (get the hang over early and not in the heat of the moment)
    • Then close all instances of Patch - leaving Patch open on large showfiles can affect performance
    • Snapshot 3:
      • Remove Patch
      • Evaluate the number of Magic Sheets and sACN Output Viewer tabs that are open as the quantity is affected available resources