Gobo Open Setting not Open in Fixture (Weird Gobo Offset)

Hi everybody,

I am having some issues with a Robe Robin DLX Spot set to M1. The problem is when I go into the ML controls for the fixture and click on the "open" button under the gobo select section it has a gobo in it. I can only get it to have no gobo (open) by clicking the next button which is technically called (beam flattener). In the venue, we have 4 of these fixtures and the other three behave correctly. When comparing it to the gobo wheels in the other three fixtures, it seems to be offset by one across all of the gobos in the wheel (the last gobo in the normal fixtures is what shows up when I click open on the messed up fixture). To be clear, this is the only parameter that seems to have this weird offset. Color, intensity, pan, tilt etc all work the same across all 4 fixtures.

I have tried unpatching and repatching and that didn't work. Could there be a setting in the console I'm missing that would be causing this offset of the gobo wheel? I don't currently have the ability to get up to the fixture and check setting on the mover itself, but if there is anyway I can try to fix it from the ground, I would really appreciate any tips.

Thanks in advance.

  • It sounds like a fixture issue, especially if the other 3 fixtures are working correctly and they are all patched as the exact same fixture type.

    To verify that the console is not the problem, swap the addresses in patch between the bad and a good fixture and see if the problem follows the channel or the fixture.

    Does the bad fixture always have the same offset? I have run across fixtures that failed to calibrate a wheel on power up (dirty sensor or missing magnet) and as a result the wheels are in the wrong position.


  • It sounds like a fixture issue, especially if the other 3 fixtures are working correctly and they are all patched as the exact same fixture type.

    To verify that the console is not the problem, swap the addresses in patch between the bad and a good fixture and see if the problem follows the channel or the fixture.

    Does the bad fixture always have the same offset? I have run across fixtures that failed to calibrate a wheel on power up (dirty sensor or missing magnet) and as a result the wheels are in the wrong position.


  • It definitely ended up being a fixture issue. I did a patch swap and the issue did not follow the patch it stayed with the physical fixture.

    I ended up doing a global fixture reset from the "Lamp Controls" menu. This seemed to recalibrate the wheel and in the end fixed my problem. I didn't know that you could reset movers from the console and once I found that I had an easy solution.

    Thanks for your advice and help!
