Cues to Submasters – LED Color Auto-Mark


I have what may be a very specific requirement for my Element 2. Here's the scenario:

I have a show with 10 cues (LEDs and conventional spotlights). I want to store each of these cues in a submaster. This works as well.
Then I want to run the show with the submasters. Sub 1 up, then Sub 2 up and Sub 1 down, then Sub 3 up and Sub 2 down and so on. Sometimes in a different order.
The problem: The colors of the LEDs can't be controlled like with cues. By saving the cues to the submasters, all auto marks were also saved, so that I sometimes have color changes of the LEDs that I don't want at all.

How can I really only store in submasters what I currently see in the live? Without any Auto-Mark or similar? (Auto-Mark cannot be deactivated in Element 2). Or is there another way?
