Cues to Submasters – LED Color Auto-Mark


I have what may be a very specific requirement for my Element 2. Here's the scenario:

I have a show with 10 cues (LEDs and conventional spotlights). I want to store each of these cues in a submaster. This works as well.
Then I want to run the show with the submasters. Sub 1 up, then Sub 2 up and Sub 1 down, then Sub 3 up and Sub 2 down and so on. Sometimes in a different order.
The problem: The colors of the LEDs can't be controlled like with cues. By saving the cues to the submasters, all auto marks were also saved, so that I sometimes have color changes of the LEDs that I don't want at all.

How can I really only store in submasters what I currently see in the live? Without any Auto-Mark or similar? (Auto-Mark cannot be deactivated in Element 2). Or is there another way?

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  • Select Active Record also saving Non-Intensity Paramters: this is expected behavior. Record will always store *all* parameters of each channel in the selection, if the channel has at least one parameter not at its home value, and if the resulting parameters per channel fit the record target.

    instead of re-recording you can also copy cues to a sub.

    subs don't have automark behavior. what you're seeing is probably LTP of the non-intensity parameters because the overlap between the subs.
