Creating a dedicated Nomad PC

I know people have done this and I swear I've seen posts on this topic in the past but I can't seem to find anything with solid information...

Looking into converting a micro PC I have laying around into a dedicated nomad system (homemade Puck) that will boot directly in and out of Nomad. I was thinking Kiosk mode in Windows 10 would cover this but that doesn't appear to be the case. How have people gone about this?

  • I have the same need.  Unlike  above, I want the machine to boot directly into EOS.  (If access to the PC sys and/or gateway tools, etc., simply log off and return to Windows!  It's not "blocked"... Just a little longer to get to.)

    I configured three small (50-seat/70-seat) theatres Nomads as they can't afford an Ion >>> nor the actual booth space!  For ease of operation--usually by the "stage manager/light & sound board-op" person--one less of the many steps that a non-lighting person endures is a good thing.  And eliminates things not operating correctly.

    Win-10 & Win-11 both say they need an app to run "above the lock screen".  This has to be possible as the actual desks are running in a type of kiosk mode on Windows!  I want the PC to boot just as an actual Element/Ion/Gio/Eos/Apex would >>> directly into the show.

    This thread has nearly 500 views... so  and I aren't the only ones who are trying to accomplish this! 

    I don't know if this thread is monitored by anyone at ETC who might be able to help... but... can anyone else help?


  • I have the same need.  Unlike  above, I want the machine to boot directly into EOS.  (If access to the PC sys and/or gateway tools, etc., simply log off and return to Windows!  It's not "blocked"... Just a little longer to get to.)

    I configured three small (50-seat/70-seat) theatres Nomads as they can't afford an Ion >>> nor the actual booth space!  For ease of operation--usually by the "stage manager/light & sound board-op" person--one less of the many steps that a non-lighting person endures is a good thing.  And eliminates things not operating correctly.

    Win-10 & Win-11 both say they need an app to run "above the lock screen".  This has to be possible as the actual desks are running in a type of kiosk mode on Windows!  I want the PC to boot just as an actual Element/Ion/Gio/Eos/Apex would >>> directly into the show.

    This thread has nearly 500 views... so  and I aren't the only ones who are trying to accomplish this! 

    I don't know if this thread is monitored by anyone at ETC who might be able to help... but... can anyone else help?


  • I have done this many times, but it's been a while so I don't remember the exact steps.

    You don't need an app to run "above the lock screen".

    Configure your PC to log in automatically. (Google windows automatic log in)

    Then set up Eos to run automatically by creating a shortcut in the startup folder. You probably already have an Eos shortcut on your desktop so you can copy that into your startup folder. More information:

    In the Eos shell, untick "Open in "Shell" E.C.U." to automatically start in your show file. Tick "Fullscreen ETCNomad"

    It also helps if you set the taskbar to automatically hide.

  •   thx... 

    I've always placed the EOS app to run automatically with startup in all of my configurations... it's a great step saver as the BoardOp can continue with other tasks while the machine boots.  When they return to the booth, they can just press the [Primary] button and start the instrument lamp tests!

    But--according to Microsoft--the non-windows app must be configured to "run above the lock screen", even when the lock screen is already bypassed as a stand-alone device.  (ie: no password required.)  This is with Win10-pro & Win11. 

    As far as the "Open in 'Shell' ECU" option is new for me... I'll go there and see.  (& the FullScreen ETCNomad option!)

    When in the Kiosk Setup, only the apps that run "above the lock screen" appear as options.  And EOS Family isn't one of them.  I have tried and failed to force the sys to comply.  The PowerShell also offers a different option on the Kiosk setup... but the same problem arises there. 

    This might not have been the case with Win7 & Win8 as they did have a different type of code to run in the Kiosk mode.

    You are an indication of the fact it can be done... the engineers are Microsoft have just made it a little more complicated to do, that's all!   Confusing at best!

    THX for the reply... still to keep digging...

  • Oh! That’s my goal: power on—it opens only to the last show used. No “Windows” visual interface. Similar to how the EOS desks operates.  

    but I will look into the setup you provided and see if that’ll be a better direction!   Thx. 

  • Howdy! 

    While there may be ways to convince Windows to operate this way, it is not something we officially support, nor do we develop for. Our consoles are running an extremely custom and embedded version of the Windows environment, so that we have full control of how our software and hardware behave. For folks who are looking for a locked-down, console-only mini PC that is less expensive than a console, we make and sell Puck. 
