Eos 3.1 Touchscreen Issues

After updating to 3.1 on the Eos Ti the touch screens will do a second delayed tap on the built in touch screens. I’ve encountered this issues across multiple Ti consoles, and consoles even upgraded by ETC that were received as demo loans. Does anybody else have this problem?

  • Hello  , this has been reported by a couple of customers during v3.1.0 development and we resolved the issues that were reproducible before v3.1.0 was released, so I'm sorry to hear we missed some cases.

    It would be extremely helpful for anyone experiencing this type of issue to make a note when this happens on the console by pressing [Displays+Record] after every instance, then sending us a copy of your Eos logs and showfile to eos@etcconnect.com (and reference this forum thread).  

    We also want to know: 

    - Which screen was touched

    - Which portion of the screen

    - What Snapshot was in use at the time (preferably, create a new snapshot that includes the frame(s) you were tapping).

    ETC Tech Service will probably then reach out about additional troubleshooting we can have you try.

    Sorry for the trouble,

    -Matt Pumplin, ETC Technical Support Engineer

  • Hello  , this has been reported by a couple of customers during v3.1.0 development and we resolved the issues that were reproducible before v3.1.0 was released, so I'm sorry to hear we missed some cases.

    It would be extremely helpful for anyone experiencing this type of issue to make a note when this happens on the console by pressing [Displays+Record] after every instance, then sending us a copy of your Eos logs and showfile to eos@etcconnect.com (and reference this forum thread).  

    We also want to know: 

    - Which screen was touched

    - Which portion of the screen

    - What Snapshot was in use at the time (preferably, create a new snapshot that includes the frame(s) you were tapping).

    ETC Tech Service will probably then reach out about additional troubleshooting we can have you try.

    Sorry for the trouble,

    -Matt Pumplin, ETC Technical Support Engineer

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