OSC input blocks/resets command line

I'm fairly new to ETC's EOS family and discovered it while looking for a professional lighting software that can be integrated into more complex systems. EOS' support for OSC is fantastic, much more versatile and complete than anything else. So I've bought an unlimited Nomad version and am very happy so far.

While still figuring everything out, I ran into one issue though: OSC input keeps on resetting the command line - especially problematic if there is continuous input. Practically rendering EOS unusable. It doesn't crash or freeze, I just can't operate it anymore.

(If an example is needed, let's assume stage performers' are tracked via sensors and third software, i.e. max/msp. The later calculates a brightness depending on the performers' position. This brightness is beamed over to EOS, setting eos/chan/1/param/Intens permanently. Then my command line becomes unusable.)

Is there maybe a way to switch EOS' OSC-interpretation into some sort of background mode? Not interfering with the command line?

  • You can send osc commands as a different user which will free up the command line.  User 0 is "background". It sounds like you are running the levels in manual mode which could become problematic if you want to mix other playback options in as well.  I would suggest changing the intensity control to a submaster with just the intensity for the specific channel recorded into it. If you open tab 100(the manual) in the software there is a show control section that details more of the osc syntax that will help you make the system run the way you want.

    Hope this helps.

  • It does help, and thanks for replying so quickly!
    eos/user/0.. solved it.

    i did test submasters via OSC, working fine, yet i don't understand the benefit. setting levels via
    compared to
    /eos/sub/1 (which is assigned to channel 1's level)
    wouldn't that be the same overhead and interpretation time?
    and if i won't to let's say set a color in parallel, won't it still be the same?
    or did you refer to multiple lights, same value, combined via a submaster?

    p.s. i had found the extensive manual, as well as the hidden gems here in forum, e.g. about augement3d's OSC commands. thanks for pointing though!

  • The difference is that manual data gets cleared if you run a cue(unless you have other settings set).  If you want the overall lighting to be able to change repeatedly and still control the intensity of one or more channels over osc then the manual control method will not work reliably.  It isn't about processing power or computing but rather general lighting control.  If you are in a complete sandbox where nothing will disturb the manual values then you are golden but if you aren't then setting up a sub or multiple subs will allow you to assign priority to whichever playback you want to have control over specific fixtures.

  • Ah, I see. Submasters basically as a means to merge that external OSC input with internal happenings, like Cues being executed.

  • subs are a form of playback. it's easier to manage playback than manual values.

  • Hey, i would recomand to use not User 0 (background)

    Rather use a User >1 like 2 or 13 or what so ever.

    I had some problems in the past while editing in blind while OSC was running. And i shutt down/ interrupted the OSC.

    You should test it yourself. But please try to consider this.



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