bump fader et release time

how to do this

i  have red look on stage

i want  when i bump the fader color white cut   and  the release time 3s

thank for reply

Parents Reply Children
  • You Know ut like on ma 

    executor Button    Option temp 

    and off cue  2 s

  • Hmmm... It is hard to figure out what you are looking for.

    But here are some Tips:

    1. You know, just do it like on MA2 and Hog4 ; )

    2. Splitt your Color in a separat Cue List and apply your desired timing

    3. Splitt you Colors in separat Submaster and apply your desired timing (you may want to apply a Dwell of Hold)

    4. Record your new Cue with the desired timing. {Link} and {Loop} could be helpful for repeating similar looks.

    5. Mix all the above

    Apparently No2 to 5 is how you would do it on Hog4 and MA2. There is no big magic or difference to Eos ; )

    Note that by default all Cue Lists and Submaster do have a priority of 4 and LTP applys. Please keep that in mind and maybe alter the Priority as you are pleased.

    For more detailed answers, please provide a little more details to the Forum and all its readers ; )

    Also have a look at the awesome training videos for ETC Eos



  • I do have 1 1/2 more for you (as my last tip).

    - assign the color manualy. Timing could be made via sneak or a manual-Time-Fader

    - while having a base look saved in a Cue/Submaster, and then assing new colors manualy, you then can sneak the color in time back to the recorded Base look that is still up as your backgroundvalue

    I am sure that you will find a way ; )

    Have fun
