Color Picker - Tint Tools

When using the Tint Tools, it always picks up from the last point in the color picker that color was at when last using the tint tools. If I jump to a different color using either the CIE color picker or color palettes and then try to utilize the tint tools, the color jumps rather than tinting from my new “starting values”. I’m hoping that this is just user error, but any help would be greatly appreciated as I am not currently able to use the tint tools.


  • Hi, I am not seeing this happen in 3.1.1 or 3.1.2.  I tried both with an RGB fixture (ETC Releve) and a CMY one (High End SolaFrame 750).

    I set them to 5/26 (Rosco "Red); used the Tint tools "Blue+" for quite a ways; Used the CIE color picker to make them "Green-ish"; then used "Blue+" again, and they did not jump to the Red/Blue+.

    Could you let us know a particular fixture and series of steps to try, as well as your software version?

    Thanks, -MattP.

  • Matt,

    We were on 3.1.1 v113 since we have not had a chance to update yet. It seems to be working now. The only thing that I can't double check is that I was running the console as a client over the network. I wouldn't think this would make any difference, but that seems to be the only remaining factor. I was noticing it on Robe Tetra fixtures, Clay Paky Alpha Series fixtures, and Source 4 LED Series II fixtures. It was almost as though the tint tools got stuck. They worked flawlessly the first 30-45 minutes to make some nice adjustments and then after that every time I tried to use them the color would jump to lime green.

  • Matt,

    We were on 3.1.1 v113 since we have not had a chance to update yet. It seems to be working now. The only thing that I can't double check is that I was running the console as a client over the network. I wouldn't think this would make any difference, but that seems to be the only remaining factor. I was noticing it on Robe Tetra fixtures, Clay Paky Alpha Series fixtures, and Source 4 LED Series II fixtures. It was almost as though the tint tools got stuck. They worked flawlessly the first 30-45 minutes to make some nice adjustments and then after that every time I tried to use them the color would jump to lime green.

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