Nomad 3.1x crashes as soon as it starts on a Mac mini 2014 (Monterey)

Just installed EOS Nomad 3.1 on a 2014 mac mini running Monterey and it crashes on start.

This same machine was running 2.9x under Catalina. Any ideas of a fix?

Parents Reply
  • Can you be more specific about the crash?

    Where in the process does it crash? (e.x.: when opening the welcome screen or when launching as primary or....)

    Are there any errors or dialogs or does it just quit?

    Which specific version of 3.1.x did you install?

    If it allows you to open the Welcome Screen and activate Settings, it would be helpful to save the log files for a better view of what is happening.

  • Hiya

    I have installed

    It doesn't show any windows, a splash screen or the welcome screen at all. I just get an OS error message with three options to restart, report to apple, ignore.

    Do you think there is a log generated during launch anywhere?
    Or is it worth trawling through apple's logs?

    Its back on 2.9x rn, but I can attempt a re-install if it would be helpful



  • Hi Jason,

    That is definitely interesting and something new. If you click the report to Apple option, it should give you an advanced section where it has a long text of the report it's going to send. If you could copy that text and private message me the data, we can take a look.

    After that, you might try uninstalling 3.1.2 completely, reboot, and try a fresh download and reinstall in case something was just corrupted.



  • Hiya

    So I deleted the .app container in /Applications, and the ETC folder in Documents. Restarted the mac, and re-downloaded the 3.1.2 installer (from the same link as before!).

    I've re-installed and it seems to be working!

    I guess I should have deinstalled and reinstalled before. An install of 3.1 on top of 2.9 might have caused the problem?

    Anyhow. Looking good from here. Thanks for the assist.

