I've got a few questions about staging mode. If these things are not possible, consider them feature requests!
- Is it possible to use the master playback fader pair (or an arbitrary fader) to 'commit' the staging mode data to live, so I can control the timing as I do it?
- Is there a way to tell staging mode "commit all NPs at time 0 for channels that have intensity 0 in live; commit everything else (NPs for channels with intensity >0, and all intensity params) at sneak 5"?
- When I have things in the staging buffer, can I swap back to live temporarily, then go back to staging and the stuff is still in the buffer? If so, I could make a macro to accomplish step 2; something like, query all fixtures at intensity 0; record group 100; staging; group 100 all NPs copy to; copy to sneak 5". Would this work?