Manual values over inhibited values

Hi there!

I am preprogramming a busking show with several cue lists, additive and inhibit subs

I was wondering if it there’s a way to prioritize manual values over inhibited values. 
for example: I am using a inhibit sub to bring down all stage spots but I want to manually turn on a spot included in that same inhibit sub. 
this might make no sense. I’m just trying to use fewer physical faders and trying to control different solutions to improvise. 

Thanks in advance. 

  • Hmmm, you could make that channel's Sub Exclude From {Inhibitiv}
    But than you still have a fader for that channel...

    Just a crazy work around idea.
    If you put a dummy-channel in your inhibitiv that is triggering a Submaster in the background via a showcontroll-action (sACN)
    In that way your channel lifes on a virtual Submaster (maybe with a priority), that is not assigned to a Fader and therefor it will still go down and is still manual controllable.

    What a wonderfull mess in my head. 

  • other question, if you know that this special action will happen.

    Can't you make yourselfe a Cuelist for that. This is more like a Hog4 way.
    Having all your channels in 3 Cues.

    1. All Full
    2. All Out
    3. 1 Ch Full

    And than make it a Wrap. 

  • Thank you for your answers.

    I just had to find out another way around to do the same think. Had to think the organization of my faders in a diffrenent logic. BAsically, almost no inhib subs. Organized  averything with addictive subs with different priorities. Also tryed using subs with zeroed channel values. Works as inhibitive fader in another kind of way...

    Unfortunatly, the last few years I've beem using other consoles and lost some practice on eos...

    What a wonderfull mess in my head. 

    indeed!! :D

    if you know that this special action will happen.

    That's the thing: I totally don't. Trying to organize everything so I can improvize if I have to. And I hope I do. Slight smile

    Once again: thank you very much for your time!
