Please someone respond. This is a major issue here.
Hi Palmi,
We have reproduced this and have written it up. When we clean up the wording on the title I will post the ticket number and title. Reviewing notes with saranow and existing tickets we think we found an open ticket that touches on your other post, also working to confirm that one as well.
Thanks Seth! Good to hear you’re working on this. Not a great feeling to want to stay away from busking when the desk will likely not behave as expected from time to time.
In addition to this, I actually had a similar thing (values snapping) happen today in rehearsal while sneaking out manual data and pressing go or go back on a list. I’ll see if I can recreate that and report if it is indeed happening.
No need, it is the same thing as you reported here initially (Release and Sneak perform the same fades)
Ahh super. Must be it. Thanks!
Do you have the ticket number posted? I’m hoping to find this issue fixed or at least worked on. Had a sneak snapping in quite an awkward situation last week on 3.1.5. Did this get fixed for 3.2?
This is written up under [EOS-53819] and is still present in 3.2.
Thanks for letting me know! Have a good day!