Feature Request: Select In Order By Time / Delay


I've talked about this before, just popping it back in here because I really need it this week and as far as I know it's still not there...

I have lots of wipes in this show, so a range of channels with delay ranged across them. For a lot of good reasons these channels are not always in obvious 'channel order' order.

Sometimes I've got groups to re-select them in the right order.

But sometimes it'd be great to not have to find the group and to be able to have the console do it for me.

I know, from previous conversations about this, that Eos doesn't actually store selection or range order anywhere other than in groups.

What I really think we need is a command that reselects channels in their time or delay order, so:

1 THRU 10 {in order of} Delay

1 THRU 10 SELECT-ACTIVE {in order of} Time

1 THRU 10 {position} {in order of} Time+Delay

If there are no special times or delays set, you get them in standard channel order

If there are, you get them in delay order or time order or 'longest' (ie. time+delay) order. Offset would then work to reverse the selection or similar. 

Of course you'd still have to be responsible for selecting roughly the right set of channels, especially in cues where you had different channels doing different ranges of times. But I think this would still be invaluable.

Just a thought.


