Effect Order Changes Between Cues Without Indication


So I have some lights, let's call them 1 THRU 10. They're doing a pan/tilt movement chase - effect 901, or a copy of it. 

They're doing it in a random order having been set as 1 THRU 10 OFFSET RANDOM EFFECT 901.

They're doing it in cue 1 and cue 2.

In cue 1, the order is random, which is correct.

In cue 2, the order changes back to channel order (1 THRU 10) - ie. I can see the lights 'following' each other.

This is clearly an 'accident' of the way I've made the cues (ie. I probably did it in cue 2, then later added the effect in cue 1 forgetting the random modifier).

It is surprising to me that there is no indication on the channel screen that the order has changed or the effect has effectively been re-run. In the channel screen in cue 2, the effects show as tracking. 

To find out what's going on, I have to go into the Running Effect display, but on a show with a lot of effects running it's hard to pin down the right one quickly there. 

Feels like the channel screen should give an indication that something is changing here, cue 2 perhaps showing the effects in blue to indicate it is effectively starting again.




(PS and as per an earlier post, I'd love to be able to go 1 THRU 10 select-in effect order, rather than having to manually figure out what the order was).

Parents Reply
  • Oh, that's good to know - thanks!

    But now:

    Effect 1 is a sin wave on intensity.

    1 THRU 10 EFFECT 1

    RECORD CUE 1  (ie. the lights are going in order)

    RECORD CUE 2 (the lights are still going in order)

    GOTO CUE 1

    1 THRU 10 OFFSET RANDOM EFFECT 1 - the lights are now running in a random order


    GO - expecting the lights to go back to going in sequential order in cue 2...

    ... but they don't.

    Feels like they should?

