I would like to know how to specify channels to be controlled in grandmaster.
Apart from that" Does anyone have a practical list of commands for executing a " Assert Cue " in cue list?
I would like to know how to specify channels to be controlled in grandmaster.
Apart from that" Does anyone have a practical list of commands for executing a " Assert Cue " in cue list?
After reading your response...
"Assert can be placed on a cue, a cue part, a channel or a channel
parameter. It is sort of like a block, which takes a tracked value and
treats it like a move instruction. But an assert will basically treat
a tracked channel like a move instruction for playback, but allows it
to continue to be edited like a track."
Is it possible to be able to place an "assert" on an entire cuelist? Or even better in future be able to possibly assign "priorities" to cuelists... so whenever a higher priority cuelist is played it will "stomp" another cuelist.
Thanks for the response.....
Yes, Null values make sense.... record "remove" has always been a favorite when operating tracking consoles. In fact is "@ enter" the only way to make something a 'null" value??
Regarding Assert.... I, understand the functionality, however coming from a primarily moving light background, it isnt the "norm" how other consoles react, i'd want the ability to "assert" the cuelist, so that no matter when I ran this cue list.... everything would come back here....
Dont, get me wrong.... Its a very powerful feature, you're definitley taking Hard values, Tracked Values, and Lack of Value to an Entirely new level. Its definitely the right way to go about it, just lemme make it operate the other way as well......
Many thanks.