Potential bug with 'slash' not working in macros that reference other cue lists?

I'm using a separate cue list to fire the 'fog' attribute on a pair of Chauvet Geysers (to work around the 'fog' attribute being auto marked and firing in the cue before I want it!)

I'm then using [Cue] {Execute} to trigger the cue in the separate cue list (similar to the approach in this video)

Because this is something I'm going to want to do repeatedly throughout the show I've recorded a macro (using learn) that in the macro editor appears as I'd expect – `Cue Execute 2 / 1`

But when I actually trigger the macro (using custom direct selects, if that makes any difference) on my cue back in cue list 1 it appears on the command line as e.g. 'Cue 32.1 Execute Cue 2 1' (with no slash) and ends up creating a link to cue 1/1 (appears in Ext Links in the PSD as Q1/1).

So it's like the slash isn't being recognised when included as part of the macro.

I've tried setting the macro mode to 'foreground' but it doesn't seem to have made a difference.

Is this a bug, or am I doing something wrong? Thanks!

(This is with Eos v3.1.1 Build 120 on Mac)
