Timecode Workflow. CSV and merging

I have 2 question with timecode workflow. I wonder can someone help.

1st issue:

I am exporting csv from reaper with markers which I can almost successfully import into Eos. 

-I can export from reaper,

-I can amend a csv file suitable for import into EOS

-Cues will import with corresponding events listed in show control.

-However the actions in the show control tab are greyed out and I seem to have to re-enter them for each event to get them to trigger, which defeats the purpose. Any idea what I am missing?

I have tried to export from an existing Eos file into csv to reverse engineer it but I can seem to crack it. Any suggestions?

2nd issue and hopefully just me doing something obvious

If I do manually enter the actions above and have a functioning cue list with corresponding event list, I am having trouble merging that into my actual show file.

I can successful advance merge in individual cues, but I can't seem to merge in events to an existing list without overriding existing events. What am I missing

Parents Reply
  • Also cant advance merge a specific show control list.

    As per Ueli suggestion on facebook - make event list 2, merge that in and copy events from list 2 into list 1.

    But - The current show only had event list 1 and incoming file only had list 2

    I tried to advance merge in list 2 only with no success. I had to do a full show control merge. which was successful. But I suspect there should be an option in advanced merge to be specific about which list to merge. 
