hello in V3.1.5, TRU THRU doesn't work o more

Hi, unless i miss something, i tried in live as in blind, for cues as for presets, on ly home pc nd on a ion and a gio, thru thru brings -error Syntax error-. too bad, it's very usefull.

Parents Reply
  • in previous versions, cue 1 thru (or preset 1thru) was creating cues in all the empty numbers (ex: i have 1 cue1 and 1 cue 10. before, syntax 1 thru enter was creating cues 2 3 4 5 till 10. to just select all the existing cues (or presets or else), syntaw was 1 thru thru enter to select all existing cues. Seems now that thru thru , anywhere, says "error: syntax error", and 1 thru enter just selects all the existing cues without crating new ones.
