How to use BPM maccro on effect subs?

 I have two different Stepbased intensity chase effect recorded on two different subs. First I start in a cue one effectsub and I use the BPM maccro to adapt the velocity. I finish with learn and then stopEffect on the faderbump. When I start the new effectsub (by fader or the start/stopbump) and the use the BPM macro it puts in the command line the last effects and Error: Effect not running. Why the BPM macro does refer to the inactive effect and not the active one? What is wrong? It happens the same if I start with the second effect first. Thx a lot for the help!

  • Let me have a wild guess here.
    Your First FX is also the first in the FX-List (if you open the Blind Effect Editor)?

    If so, just calling the macro on its own, with no selection beforehand (like [Effect] 7), will always reference the First FX in the List.
    --> as far as i noticed in a quick test.

    There is also a little Bug hidden:
    If you copy the First FX in the List to a later position, it is still referenced.
    Only a new start of EOS-Software will get rid of that.


    So just hitting your Macro is not helping EOS with what Effect you are talking about.


    You can hit [Effect] and than call you Macro.
    Than the Macro will use the 1st Effect in the upcomming List.

    This is also possible to write into you macro:

    Effect Learn_Time_Sample_BPM

    ... Just my 2 cents.
    Maybe someone else knows better than me. 

  • Let me have a wild guess here.
    Your First FX is also the first in the FX-List (if you open the Blind Effect Editor)?

    If so, just calling the macro on its own, with no selection beforehand (like [Effect] 7), will always reference the First FX in the List.
    --> as far as i noticed in a quick test.

    There is also a little Bug hidden:
    If you copy the First FX in the List to a later position, it is still referenced.
    Only a new start of EOS-Software will get rid of that.


    So just hitting your Macro is not helping EOS with what Effect you are talking about.


    You can hit [Effect] and than call you Macro.
    Than the Macro will use the 1st Effect in the upcomming List.

    This is also possible to write into you macro:

    Effect Learn_Time_Sample_BPM

    ... Just my 2 cents.
    Maybe someone else knows better than me. 

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