Is there a way to flexi to channels active in a certain cue list

I'd love to open a separate live table and flexi it to only channels active from cue list 2 as opposed to cue list 1 or any other cue list. I couldn't find a way, and don't think it's possible, but maybe someone knows a trick. Otherwise, this would be a useful feature to add.

  • you can create 2 partitions, 1 with chs from QL1, other one with chs from QL 2; give one partition per Qlist (in Ql tab), then tell your live flexi tab to use partition (when in the live tab, keep FORMAT and press partition). Then, if you call QL1 or 2, you'll see only ch. from QL1 or 2. That's how i do. I created macros to jump from 1 partition to another one.

    You'll see only ch from QL1 when QL1 is selected.But you won't be able to see them distincts in 2 live tabs same time, if that's what you hoped.

  • you can create 2 partitions, 1 with chs from QL1, other one with chs from QL 2; give one partition per Qlist (in Ql tab), then tell your live flexi tab to use partition (when in the live tab, keep FORMAT and press partition). Then, if you call QL1 or 2, you'll see only ch. from QL1 or 2. That's how i do. I created macros to jump from 1 partition to another one.

    You'll see only ch from QL1 when QL1 is selected.But you won't be able to see them distincts in 2 live tabs same time, if that's what you hoped.
