Is there a way to flexi to channels active in a certain cue list

I'd love to open a separate live table and flexi it to only channels active from cue list 2 as opposed to cue list 1 or any other cue list. I couldn't find a way, and don't think it's possible, but maybe someone knows a trick. Otherwise, this would be a useful feature to add.

Parents Reply
  • unless, maybe:

    configure 2 Live ch tabs partitionned. Record FP or PST desk from1 thru 500 and FP followspots from 501 thru 600

    create a macro X:

    partition 11 enter

    group FP 501 thru 600 enter enter

    partition 1 enter

    group FP 1 thru 500 enter enter

    make for every cue "execute macro X"

    Can't try it now, but i guess for every cue, your 2 ch tabs should evolve regarding who's in FL 1T500 and who's in FL 501T600
