sola studio frame assembly inversed augmented // real world

hello, for a show coming we use sola studio. their frame assembly rotate opposite between augmented and real world. any idea where this comes from? (we start soon to program, so i hope someone will help before first rehearsal monday. i reversed values in fixture editor, works almost perfec. a few degrees difference between both, but at least theyr rotate same wayt. but very surprised to have to do this on a etc fixture. only frame assembly is inversed., shutters angles are right. Using solaframe studio standard.

  • Here are the modifications that I made to the fixture profile to get virtual and real world to come closer to alignment:

    Parameter DMX Home


    Frame a3 18 0 0>200
    Frame b3 17 0 0>200
    Frame a1 20 0 0>200
    Frame b1 19 0 0>200
    Frame a4 22 0 0>200
    Frame b4 21 0 0>200
    Frame a2 24 0 0>200
    Frame b2 23 0 0>200
    Frame Assembly 25,26 32768


    Frame Thrust Virtual 0


    Frame Angle Virtual 127


    You may wish to play with the home position for the Frame Assembly for better Alignment.  This also makes the encoders work so that clockwise on the encoders are clockwise in real and virtual worlds


  • thanks for quick react, will try today. i already set fram assembly 100>-100, it indeed fixed clockwise issue, will do other parametres today. frame thrust and frame angle already have those values in original fixture.

    frame abcd have different dmx adresses. reaffect them should correct wrong angles?

    Can' t get how an etc fixture can not be perfect in this amazing etc device. any explanation about it?

  • tried to switch adresses as you said, that inversed abcd frame angles, which is wrong in my case: abcd angles rotate already the same in aug and real. but if i make a rectangle front/up in aug, i get a rectangle front stage right/ upside stage left.

    will keep on digging,

  • Sorry, that mod is from an earlier Fixture Library.  Current fixture library values are:

    Parameter DMX Home Ranges Min Home  Max Min Home  Max
    b1 19 0 1>200 0 0 255 0 0 200
    a1 20 0 1>200
    b3 17 0 1>200
    a3 18 0 1>200
    b2 23 0 1>200
    a2 24 0 1>200
    b4 21 0 1>200
    a4 22 0


    Frame Assy 25,26 32768 100>-100 65535 32762 0 100 0 -100
    Thrust Virtual 0 0>200 0 0 255 0 0 200
    Angle Virtual 127 45>-45 0 127 255 45 0 -45
  • thanks, can't try it today for real, will do tomorrow.

    But making changes on pc, i see thrust virtual eos fixture already has those values.

    Plus, if i set user abcd range 1> instead of 0>,home can't be 0, am i wrong?.

  • plus, this inverses abcd angle, which i don't need (lib, they are natively right. Maybe trying with frame assembly home, as you suggested?

    I noticed since that zooms don't look the same neither. A 1m square in real will be about 1.5m in aug.

    here is a screenshot:

    the rectangle upstage/frontstage in the middle is part of the decor.

    I already inversed frame assembly  values in the fixture to make it feet real. 

    This is how aug looks when my ch matches the rectangle in real.

    No one from etc to explain how an etc fixture can be natively that far from real?

    Very surprised about it, must be an explanation still.

  • I've used 0 as a home value without any problem, I don't think that using 1 or 0 would make any real difference  As for the Zoom discrepancy between Augment3d and real world I don't have any answer.
