3.2.1 Recall From issue

Hi, I have a Group 5 with Lustr Series 2’s and a Group 80 with Robin T2’s.

if I say Group 80 Recall from Group 5, I get the same color as group 5. If I sau Group 80 Color Recall From Group 5, I get a slightly different color. Copy To will always copy the correct color.
See pictures;

blue spots are the different, wrong color.

TI on 3.2.1.

Parents Reply
  • Hi! I'm afraid that in 3.2.4 I'm still seeing a difference in recalling colors between the following syntaxes;

    All channels at home values except Group 5 that has a cyan-ish color picked manually from color picker and at Full.

    (Group 5 is S4 LED S2 Lustr QS General, Group 80 is Robe T2 Profile (modified profile, only regarding handling of frost))

    1. Group 80 RecallFrom Group 5 Enter

    2. Group 80 Color RecallFrom Group 5 Enter

    Syntax 1 will result in the same values a Copy to operation will the other way around.

    Doing a CopyTo, regardless of whether the Color Category is specified, will yield the correct results, same as syntax 1 above. Syntax 2 gives a blue-ish color.

    Edit: Logs collected if you need.

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