QLab-Control Individual Lights vs Cues on ION Board?

I have QLab 5 and am able to control light cues on an ION board using a Network Cue in QLab. However, I'd love to be able to control individual fixtures with a Light Cue. This would allow me to set fade in and outs on QLab rather than creating a light cue in ION. I know I'd have to set-up each fixture in QLab's Light Patch. BUT, is it possible? In advance, thank you!

  • Thank you for reaching out. However, unless I'm misunderstanding this seems to be Qlab question and as such is outside of the purview of this forum. In case you haven't found an answer yet, i suggest reaching out to Figure53 which is the company that makes Qlab.

  • You want to commandeer Eos through Qlab or output DMX directly from Qlab? If the first,

    "/eos/chan/4 45" - Sets channel 4 at 45%
    "/eos/group/4 45" - Sets group 4 at 45%
    "/eos/macro/1/fire" - fires macro 1

    Those are OSC strings. Make sure your OSC is turned on at the board and that you know all the other OSC network stuff you have to set up, like the network patch in Qlab.

    I'm not sure if you can add timing information in the top 2 though. Of course you can just write a macro that says, "1 @ Full Time 5 Enter" and fire that via OSC. ETC's documentation on the OSC string library is extremely inaccurate, so let me know if you need to control more parameters than just intensity.

    If you're looking for a sequencer timeline based timecoding tool and are looking to Qlab for it, let me know. I'm building one that's far better.

  • Assuming again that you're trying to commandeer Eos's DMX stream instead of getting Qlab to output its own DMX, I learned some more Eos OSC syntax that should be exactly what you're looking for, below:

    /eos/cmd "Go_to_Cue 5 Time 6.65 Enter" - make sure to include the underscores or it won't work
    /eos/cmd "5 at 75 Sneak Time 20 Enter" - that takes channel 5 to 75% with a 20 second fade time. Don't forget Sneak.
