Creating a new Fixture Profile


We got a set of new lights for our theater and are trying to create the fixture profile for them, however, the effects parameter for the fixture profile is tripping us up.

So in the manual for the lights, it has under channel 14 of the fixture, two different modes.  One is Static Effects and the other is Dynamic Effects.

Within those two modes, there are at least 20-25 different effect parameters.  For example, effect 1 (0-5), effect 2 (6-10), etc up to 255.

But when looking at the fixture profile creator, I can't find exactly what I choose for entering in those effects.  What would I choose?  I see effect head, color effect, etc as options, but don't just see something titled effect or dynamic effect or static effect.

Sorry if this doesn't make sense, but hopefully someone understands and can provide insight?


  • Hello Michael,

    creating a Fixture Profile isn't easy. Every Parameter from the Manual needs to be translated into EOS.
    Means you need to find a Parameter that discribes close enough what the Parameter is doing.

    And i always try to go with "matching names" if Parameters are relating.

    What also can help is figuring out the category of the Parameter: Color/Focus/...
    And than look in those categorys to find something.

    It is quite helpfull to make a short spreadsheet list for "translation" of the Manual into EOS.


    Long things short:
    Try to fit the Real World action to the EOS Parameter and don't stick to much with the Manual's names.  

  • Hello Michael,

    creating a Fixture Profile isn't easy. Every Parameter from the Manual needs to be translated into EOS.
    Means you need to find a Parameter that discribes close enough what the Parameter is doing.

    And i always try to go with "matching names" if Parameters are relating.

    What also can help is figuring out the category of the Parameter: Color/Focus/...
    And than look in those categorys to find something.

    It is quite helpfull to make a short spreadsheet list for "translation" of the Manual into EOS.


    Long things short:
    Try to fit the Real World action to the EOS Parameter and don't stick to much with the Manual's names.  

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