I am programming on an Ion XE20 after previously using an Ion Classic with built in screen to show encoder data. The classic also has lights in the Intensity, Focus, Color, Shutter, Image, and Form buttons to show which is mapped to the encoder wheels.
Now that I have upgraded a console, I find myself just grabbing the encoder wheels and spinning them thinking they are on a specific setting such as Focus, but they're on something else. Is there a setting I've missed or is there a way to get those keys to have their backlight higher or even a different color so I know what I'm spinning?
I know it shows up on my monitors, but I'm focused on my rig and making sure it is doing what I want it to. I also realize that I can open up that panel with the Encoder Display button- but I don't want to use up monitor space on that.
Another thing I have noticed is those virtual buttons are not in the correct order.
The screen has:
Intensity > Focus > Color > Form > Image > Shutter
The surface has:
Intensity > Focus > Color > Shutter > Image > Form
Is this a programming bug or am I just looking past something?