Opening EOS Nomad Showfile From Dropbox Shortcut on Mac

When opening a showfile from Eos Nomad on a mac, is there a way to open a Dropbox shortcut (alias)?

I currently copy showfiles from Dropbox onto my Mac desktop in order to get there quickly. Otherwise must open them by directly from dropbox by navigating there from the Mac hard drive which is a long path - Macintosh HD / Users / Ethan / Dropbox / and my file hierarchy. 

I create desktop shortcuts (aliases) of Dropbox folder for quicker navigation. I'm. hoping there is a way to utilize those from Nomad.

I'm using

Nomad V 3.1.4 Build 4

MacOS Monterey 12.2

Joining this with an existing feature request to make sure the discussion is linked to the feature request Mike mentioned.
[edited by: eos moderator at 8:40 PM (GMT -5) on Thu, Aug 31 2023]
Parents Reply
  • Thanks, . I tried what you're suggesting by googling how to mount a drive on Mac. I've mounted it and restarted but I still don't see the option. Even if I did see the option, I don't think it would work quite how I want it to. I would still want to create shortcuts/aliases to get to the showfiles faster (and without copying onto the desktop). The mounted drive I would still have to navigate to the file (which is about a dozen clicks and requires me to remember my file hierarchy). Thanks for the thought, though!
