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Is this eos moderator really helpfull???

Is it really helpfull if this eos moderator answer every question here with, "if you need help feel free,...".

I think we all know how this forum works.
But with answer every posting here with an answer that not help solve problems he bring very much confusion in the sorting for the forum.

Thanks for stop it.

[locked by: Nick.Gonsman at 2:26 PM (GMT -5) on Thu, Sep 7 2023]
  • I think the idea of actually having someone from ETC combing through the forums is excellent and very useful, unfortunately most of their comments on my posts have been to tell me this needs to be in the feature request forum, until you copy and paste everything you've already said into some different place we're going to ignore it. So the current implementation has not been very useful to me.

  • Yes.
    And now this eos moderator -a KI-Moderator,...???- most ever answer, "We have notice it and we have it on list.".
    Or some like this.

    So,. what the difference as before?
    Here in several Topics some Guys from ETC answer.
    You not ever know it is a ETC Company Member.

    And, if you get no reaction -from anybody....- then there is no answer.

    For new answers i get an Email automatic from ETC.
    And so yesterday i get 20-25 Mails.
    And at the end in all Topics ever the same answer,...
    I have now swtich off the Email note for new answers.
    But if i open the forum and many many topics are new blue because new answers,....

    For me was the behavior of this eos moderator not helpfull

  • Yes.
    And now this eos moderator -a KI-Moderator,...???- most ever answer, "We have notice it and we have it on list.".
    Or some like this.

    So,. what the difference as before?
    Here in several Topics some Guys from ETC answer.
    You not ever know it is a ETC Company Member.

    And, if you get no reaction -from anybody....- then there is no answer.

    For new answers i get an Email automatic from ETC.
    And so yesterday i get 20-25 Mails.
    And at the end in all Topics ever the same answer,...
    I have now swtich off the Email note for new answers.
    But if i open the forum and many many topics are new blue because new answers,....

    For me was the behavior of this eos moderator not helpfull

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