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Is this eos moderator really helpfull???

Is it really helpfull if this eos moderator answer every question here with, "if you need help feel free,...".

I think we all know how this forum works.
But with answer every posting here with an answer that not help solve problems he bring very much confusion in the sorting for the forum.

Thanks for stop it.

[locked by: Nick.Gonsman at 2:26 PM (GMT -5) on Thu, Sep 7 2023]
  • Hi Louis - 

    As you mention, ETC has not been living up to our high standards of support on this forum. Recently we have been working to get more resources directed toward clearing out our backlog, getting still-open issues documented in our system, and closing forum posts out. This means a few things:

    You are going to continue to get a lot of email traffic if you are subscribed. I'm sure this is bothersome, but I would rather get caught up and remain reactive to forum posts than continue to let posts languish. I'm sure your email client has filters that will help with the incoming messages as we get continue through our backlog. 

    Since many posts have sat unanswered for so long, I have asked our Eos Moderator support team to ask if posts are in-fact still issues. If we don't hear back, we will close out the post so we don't have to continue keeping track of them.

    In Eos development, not everything can get fixed immediately - we don't have Apple or Google sized resources. I have asked our Eos Moderator team to make sure issues get added to our ticketing system, and to leave a ticket number so folks know it has been received (You'll see a number like EOS-12345). This will allow us to answer the post, even if the issue may not get fixed for some time. 

    I am solely responsible for the New Features forum, and am making an effort to dedicate time to responding to and documenting the posts. I have asked the Eos Moderator team to close out posts that should be on the New Features page by requesting the OP do so. This allows the OP to reframe the post as a new feature instead of a bug/issue, and make any changes or additions which may have changed since they posted.

    Eos Moderator is a new approach for us to get questions answered fast, issues written up, and to close out posts as quickly as we are able. I have not been comfortable with the experience we have been providing on this forum, and our team has taken action to make improvements. This is our new normal - the backlog will be difficult, but I hope the temporary discomfort are worth a better longterm experience.

    Nick Gonsman
    Eos Family Product Manager

  • Hi Louis - 

    As you mention, ETC has not been living up to our high standards of support on this forum. Recently we have been working to get more resources directed toward clearing out our backlog, getting still-open issues documented in our system, and closing forum posts out. This means a few things:

    You are going to continue to get a lot of email traffic if you are subscribed. I'm sure this is bothersome, but I would rather get caught up and remain reactive to forum posts than continue to let posts languish. I'm sure your email client has filters that will help with the incoming messages as we get continue through our backlog. 

    Since many posts have sat unanswered for so long, I have asked our Eos Moderator support team to ask if posts are in-fact still issues. If we don't hear back, we will close out the post so we don't have to continue keeping track of them.

    In Eos development, not everything can get fixed immediately - we don't have Apple or Google sized resources. I have asked our Eos Moderator team to make sure issues get added to our ticketing system, and to leave a ticket number so folks know it has been received (You'll see a number like EOS-12345). This will allow us to answer the post, even if the issue may not get fixed for some time. 

    I am solely responsible for the New Features forum, and am making an effort to dedicate time to responding to and documenting the posts. I have asked the Eos Moderator team to close out posts that should be on the New Features page by requesting the OP do so. This allows the OP to reframe the post as a new feature instead of a bug/issue, and make any changes or additions which may have changed since they posted.

    Eos Moderator is a new approach for us to get questions answered fast, issues written up, and to close out posts as quickly as we are able. I have not been comfortable with the experience we have been providing on this forum, and our team has taken action to make improvements. This is our new normal - the backlog will be difficult, but I hope the temporary discomfort are worth a better longterm experience.

    Nick Gonsman
    Eos Family Product Manager

  • I have asked our Eos Moderator team to make sure issues get added to our ticketing system, and to leave a ticket number so folks know it has been received (You'll see a number like EOS-12345). This will allow us to answer the post, even if the issue may not get fixed for some time. 

    Hey Nick, I really appreciate this, especially getting forum posts into the internal Eos ticket system. It definitely makes us feel heard, and helps when skimming the patch notes to see if any issues I'm apart of / following have been fixed.

  • I was never unhappy with this forum.
    (maybe only about the Dark-Move theme,....)

    If i ask and nobody answer, then there will no answer/solution.
    Here are many people outside from ETC that answer very fast.
    And i think the User-to-User support is also important.
    So if anybody have a solution, an idea, post it.
    For this is this forum also.

    And for say it clear and direct.
    Me in my person i was never unhappy with any suport from ETC or other parts of the ETC Family.
    ETC have one of the best supports i ever notice.
    ETC support is very fast, very competently and if i need ETC as my telephone joker, the call not ends before my problem is solved.

    My point was, the ETC moderator ever answer the "same".
    As like, is your problem is now solved or have you more questions.
    In this case it is more adress to the Forum users here, if their problem is solved, they not let other know how they solve it.
    This is a support ETC can´t give.
    Because ETC not know how they have solve it,...
    I had mark all topics as, "send me an Email if there is an answer".
    So i get the first day round 25-30 mails with ever same sentence.
    Now i have only mark the topice thats interesset me.
    So i can filter the email i get.

  •    Is EOS Moderator a real person or a team of real people? The answers sounds like stupid KI's or standard sized text blocks bingo.

    New Features, I don't see any progress.

  • Real people - though I'm sure there's some copy/paste, since we're trying to address a 6k+ post backlog. 

  • I get that this is a team of people and not just one individual, but somehow I would like to see some personal identification not just anonymous Eos Moderator.

  • If it's the Eos team, it should maybe be called "Eos Team".

  • I do think I'd prefer individual support staff profiles, with a flare or image or something that identifies them as "Officially ETC" (that random users can't easily copy, I'm not sure what features this forum is able to implement).

    It would still show that "this is a trusted source of official information", while allowing us to know more specifically who we're interacting with and keep track of who we previously had conversations with. Both for credit and "I was just talking with Sam about a related issue, let's get into it" or "I don't know if TJ is up to speed on this one, let me provide some more background info".

    And if there's overlap between the call in/email tech support and the forum support team, then there would be a nice throughline there.

  • Dear Nick,
    thank you for letting us know.

    Will the Moderator Team also be active in other parts of the EOS Family Forum? Like Fixture Requests?

  • Their focus is getting us caught up in this forum and Show Control. Fixture Requests will continue to be handled by our R&D team - though changes are coming to that space in the coming weeks, and we'll make an announcement there when we're ready. As I mentioned earlier, as my time allows, I will be catching up on the Feature Requests page.

    Regarding the other discussions above: our forums are linked into our ticketing system, and for that and myriad other reasons, we are going forward as we are. I'm closing the post to further comments. 
