Lights come up when I record a cue

I have an ETC Gadget 2 connected to a computer that is running Nomad. When I go to turn the light system on, and every time I record a cue, channels 28 through 87 turn on full. I cannot figure out how to keep them from coming on. I will turn them off and try to re-record the cue, but every time I hit the enter button to record the cue, channels 28 through 87 come back on. I don't understand it and I can't build any light cues for a performance. 

Thank you in advance for any help!

Jeremy Wilhm

  • After you've recorded the cue and the channels turn back on, is their intensity written in yellow? That would mean that a sub is on. Select one of the microwaving channels and open About. In Current Values look at the Source column for the intensity.  There it should say e.g. Sub 1.

    Now that you know the number of that sub type e.g. Sub 1 At 0 Enter.

    Does that help?

  • After you've recorded the cue and the channels turn back on, is their intensity written in yellow? That would mean that a sub is on. Select one of the microwaving channels and open About. In Current Values look at the Source column for the intensity.  There it should say e.g. Sub 1.

    Now that you know the number of that sub type e.g. Sub 1 At 0 Enter.

    Does that help?

  • When I first encountered it, the intensity text didn't look yellow. When I looked closer, it was not white, but a little yellowish so I tried taking out the subs and it worked. I wish it had been a more bolder yellow. I would have noticed it earlier. 

  • I see what you're saying. There is actually a reason behind the unsaturated yellow: Just like the other colors also the yellow is unsaturated while the source hasn't reached it's maximum yet. For example while a cue is fading you'll see that the green and blue are less bold than when the transition has finished. Or you have a manual value in bold red, but as soon as you sneak the value it will be a lighter red.

    If your sub had been at its maximum you'd have seen a bold yellow. But in your case the sub apparently had been at less than 100%, that's why you saw a lighter yellow.
