Lights come up when I record a cue

I have an ETC Gadget 2 connected to a computer that is running Nomad. When I go to turn the light system on, and every time I record a cue, channels 28 through 87 turn on full. I cannot figure out how to keep them from coming on. I will turn them off and try to re-record the cue, but every time I hit the enter button to record the cue, channels 28 through 87 come back on. I don't understand it and I can't build any light cues for a performance. 

Thank you in advance for any help!

Jeremy Wilhm

Parents Reply Children
  • I see what you're saying. There is actually a reason behind the unsaturated yellow: Just like the other colors also the yellow is unsaturated while the source hasn't reached it's maximum yet. For example while a cue is fading you'll see that the green and blue are less bold than when the transition has finished. Or you have a manual value in bold red, but as soon as you sneak the value it will be a lighter red.

    If your sub had been at its maximum you'd have seen a bold yellow. But in your case the sub apparently had been at less than 100%, that's why you saw a lighter yellow.
