Update Group behavior


It seems with one of the Eos 3.2.X releases the behavior of [Update Group] in Live has changed. Let me explain:

I have a Group 1 containing channels 1 thru 5. Channels 6 thru 10 are manual in Live. In Live with a clear command line I type: [Chan 11 Thru 15 Update Group 1 Enter] .
If Channels 11 thru 15 are not manual themselves they will not update in to the group when other channels are manual. If they themselves are manual they will update into the group. If there are no channels manual at all the syntax will update the channels into the group.

Do you think this is expected behavior or is this a bug? I get that the update button only updates manual values in all other cases, but it was never the case before for groups.

Thanks, Jasper

  • Thank you for reaching out.

    This was indeed a change to make the Update (and RecordOnly) behavior for groups more consistent with the behavior when recording other targets. This change was released with 3.2.0

  • This seems a little bit inconvenient.

    Is there a better or more detailed explenation than "make the Update [..] more consistent with the behavior when recording other targets"

    For Updating a Channel into a Group i than need to make sure that:

    A: non other Channel in the Group has manual Data
    B: if other Channel in the Group have manuel Data, the channel that needed to be updated has to have manual data as well

    As a result, to make sure the channel is applyed, i'd rather need to enter Group-Blind Mode and add it there or select the Group + the new Channel and re-Record the Group.

    That is, in my eyes, time consumming and will be make a lot of space for errors if not thought and checked trough.

  • This seems a little bit inconvenient.

    Is there a better or more detailed explenation than "make the Update [..] more consistent with the behavior when recording other targets"

    For Updating a Channel into a Group i than need to make sure that:

    A: non other Channel in the Group has manual Data
    B: if other Channel in the Group have manuel Data, the channel that needed to be updated has to have manual data as well

    As a result, to make sure the channel is applyed, i'd rather need to enter Group-Blind Mode and add it there or select the Group + the new Channel and re-Record the Group.

    That is, in my eyes, time consumming and will be make a lot of space for errors if not thought and checked trough.
