Parked channels and blackout key/master fader

We have a Ion Classic on Eos and working a show with a couple of parked channels.

When the Blackout key is hit or the Grand Master fader is brought down to zero the parked channels also go down to zero. Is this what is supposed to happen?


  • are you seeing the parked channels go to 0% on stage (or in real life)?

    or just the intensity % in the Channel (tombstone) display?

    the channel display will roll down with the grand master, but the actual intensity output should not change if there is a small white 'P' in the channel tombstone.

    (you can pull down the GM, record a cue/sub/palette, and the recording will take the lower level; it won't record the actual output controlled by the Park command)


  • are you seeing the parked channels go to 0% on stage (or in real life)?

    or just the intensity % in the Channel (tombstone) display?

    the channel display will roll down with the grand master, but the actual intensity output should not change if there is a small white 'P' in the channel tombstone.

    (you can pull down the GM, record a cue/sub/palette, and the recording will take the lower level; it won't record the actual output controlled by the Park command)

