submasters not responding

Hi all, 

We have an Ion XE 20 that the submaster/playback pages suddenly do not respond to their fader intensity status or playbacks.  Has anyone experienced this?  If so, what has been your solution?

We are using the latest software update (within the last month or so)



  • Do you mean that the "Fader Wing" locks up and becomes unresponsive? I have had that as an early adopter, but there was a bug fix.

    Verify that your virtual faders still work at such times. (In a pinch, have those as back-up)

    A cold reboot always fixed the problem. (Happened to me in the middle of a show and luckily the fixtures held data for the time it took to reboot.)

  • Do you mean that the "Fader Wing" locks up and becomes unresponsive? I have had that as an early adopter, but there was a bug fix.

    Verify that your virtual faders still work at such times. (In a pinch, have those as back-up)

    A cold reboot always fixed the problem. (Happened to me in the middle of a show and luckily the fixtures held data for the time it took to reboot.)

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