UKing B147 Moving Light Patching Profile

I've been attempting to patch a moving light and it appears to be stuck in a reset loop as my console is sending some weird DMX. I have an Element 2 console and UKing B147 moving light. Here is the Fixture Instruction Manual which includes the patching information. The fixture appears to only be in a reset loop when DMX is connected and patched. I've attempted using premade profiles using the manufacturer profiles, but they still cause the problem. If anyone is able to help me create a patch profile, let me know!

  • I'm not familiar with this fixture, so I'm only hypothesizing, based upon what's in the Fixture Instruction Manual.

    If the fixture is constantly moving when you plug in DMX, it appears that the fixture is following an "instruction", and since there doesn't appear to be a DMX parameter with a value to remotely tell the fixture to reset/reboot, I would check the settings of the Automatic Mode and the Effect Mode.  Although the Manual doesn't detail what each of the options does for these two modes, the fixture may be running one of its automatic shows.

  • Okay, I can look into that. The display does say it's reset message when it is running it's effect. It does sometimes show off colors and gobos as if it is in a demo or effect mode. The display just always says reset when any DMX in patched and plugged in. The product page does have a separate manual here that says when values 250-255 are sent on DMX address 9, it resets. In the pictures that you sent, there is a small address range that is labeled "Reset".

  • Try making the home value on DMX 8 (or10 depending on mode) to 0 and see what that does. If you want to attach a show file with your custom fixture in it so we can see the profile better and what you have done that will help.


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