Editing Fixtures, Modes are parameters for 'Clip Select', and dependencies must be removed??

So I'm trying to create a new Fixture in Patch, by copying a closely related fixture, and simplifying the fixture profile. The one I'm basing it on uses 7 DMX Addresses, the new one only 4. I'm running into a couple of issues with Modes and Clip Selects and dependencies.
The new fixture is an Orion OrLaser105 and I'm basing it on the OrLaser104 profile which does exist in EOS. We need this profile today or tomorrow so i can't wait for ETC to make one for me.
The manual for the fixture I'm creating (OrLaser105) is here: https://orion-fxlights.com/.../om_orlaser105_106_107.pdf...
The manual for the fixture I'm basing it on (OrLaser104) is here: https://orion-fxlights.com/.../owner.../om_orlaser104.pdf...
I want to delete the 5th Mode as it isn't needed but I can't. The problem is either 'Clip Select' dependencies, or something else I don't understand.
Also, the profile I'm trying to create is still using 5 DMX Addresses (I don't know why), even though I've only got 4 parameters?
Any suggestions?
Parents Reply
  • Thank you for the showfile, I can see what's going on. You're running into a bug:

    Fixture Editor: If a Parameter is Removed with a Mode, the Mode cannot be edited

    As a workaround I suggest you start over with a fresh copy of the 104 profile. Before deleting the Clip Select parameter open the range editor for the Mode parameter and use the {Remove as Mode}. Now you can delete Clip Select and other parameters you don't need as well as edit the ranges of Mode.

    Does this help?
