Merging certain channels only

I need to merge a certain group of channels from one show into another.

If I'm right, there is only this checkbox to merge all channels or none? 

Any ideas? 

Parents Reply
  • I see. This would best be achieved by merging the whole cuelist to a new target list. As soon as you have both cuelists in the same showfile you can copy to your heart's content.

    To renumber the cuelist while merging go to the merge dialogue, click {Advanced} and then fill out like this

    This will grab your previous cuelist one and merge it into your current showfile as cuelist 2. Now you have both of them in your showfile, can look at the old version of the cues, compare values and copy from one cuelist to the other one.

    NB: This doesn't work with Element since it only supports one cuelist.
